David Harber's First Chelsea Show Garden!


Judges awarded a bronze medal to David Harber's first Show Garden at the celebrated Chelsea Flower Show in London, England. The Show Garden was sponsored by both David Harber and global real estate services provider Savills.

The garden was designed by landscape and garden designer Nic Howard as an unfolding drama of mankind's interaction with the environment over time. It showcased how bespoke sculpture and planting can tell a story and promote reflection.

The Show Garden was constructed by Nik Edser of Langdale Landscapes. This is the third time David Harber has worked with Nic and Nik at Chelsea.

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Planting in the Show Garden

The concept: the planting and art started freeform and naturalistic but as mankind evolves, became formal and controlled. Hidden at the last stage was a flaw representing our negative impact on the environment.

A pivotal view: a metaphorical wormhole through space-time – through aligned openings in three sculptural screens – framed the pivotal Aeon sculpture which symbolized a vital force keeping the planet in equilibrium.

The garden provided David Harber with the opportunity to explore his creativity and create a thought-provoking narrative through unique, one-off pieces.

A metaphorical wormhole through space-time

At the Chelsea Flower Show

Acrobats at the Chelsea Show GardenThe gilded core of the Aeon sculptureNic Howard (stand designer), Nik Edser (landscape engineer) and David Harber
Enclosure screen and informal plantingKelly Brook and some beefeatersStainless steel water wall


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